My journey to healthy skin. It was hard, but I did it!


I have had psoriasis for many years. All over the body, even on my face. Accompanied by severe itching. During exacerbations, I would tear off the skin almost to the flesh. Every day was like a challenge: weeping wounds all over my body, daily skin care procedures and people's looks of disgust. It is difficult for a person with such a face and body to join society and live a full life.

Now imagine that it's all over. I won the fight and I am healthy now, and I want to share with you how I managed to get rid of psoriasis.

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An ika .

Psoriasis is not contagious, but people avoid you

Overall, I'm lucky with my appearance and figure. I'm tall, slim, long-legged. Any outfit would look fabulous on me. BUT my skin doesn't allow it. During the period of exacerbation (which is 6-7 months a year!) I could only wear closed clothing made of natural fabrics. Yes, there are brave girls who, with their psoriasis, are not shy about wearing shorts and tank tops, but I’m not one of them.

It’s easier for me to close myself off than to catch people’s gazes and prove to every second person that it’s not contagious….

An ika .

The process of psoriasis development is uncontrollable! Exacerbation can be triggered by:

I was tired of hiding my body and became unsociable

A year ago, I did procedures every day that slightly reduced the pain, but did not stop the disease.

I tried not to leave home.
I studied and worked remotely.
But I am a lively and quite interesting person. I have plenty of friends on the Internet and I have enough communication with them.

But there was one thing I didn’t have: love.

I wanted a family and a child so much... And a wedding dress like that of a princess! But it was only in my dreams. Looking in the mirror, I realized that no matter what my character and figure was - A normal man would be disgusted by my scars and plaques.

An ika .
An ika .

My psychologist worked with me for a long time, and one day she managed to convince me that I was beautiful. So I signed up for a dating site. I posted a photo there of me in remission. Yes, there were scars from plaques on my face, but overall the makeup and good lighting did their job - guys started writing to me. I singled out one of them with whom it was very easy for me to communicate. I didn’t hide from him that I had psoriasis. He said that it didn’t bother him because he felt good with me. Three months of correspondence, and he convinced me to meet him.

I was very worried on the way to my first date. I had never been on a date before, and the thought of what he would think when he saw my face and hands couldn’t get out of my head. But all went well. We had a wonderful time and he walked me home.

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The next morning he blocked me!

I wept, realizing that my appearance is my curse.

Why? Why do millions of people live full lives with psoriasis: go on dates, start families, give birth to healthy children? They somehow go into long-term remission, so why can’t I?

I spent two months reading medical journals and looking for something I had never tried before. But just so you understand, there is no such remedy, and all the new products are just another hormonal therapy, and I am terribly allergic to them.

I have extensive experience in the fight against psoriasis, do not repeat my mistakes!
Mistake #1 - improper care

With psoriasis, the skin becomes dry and rough. Don't believe it when they say it needs to be softened. Nourishing and moisturizing creams, especially those with tints, are the first enemy for skin with psoriasis. And don't forget that frequent hand washing and showering further thins the protective layer, which leads to even greater spread of plaques.

Mistake #2 - hormone therapy

It develops addiction and does not eliminate the causes of the disease. Steroids help smooth out papules and redness, but the protective layer is lost, which can lead to skin cancer.

Mistake #3 – diet

We've all heard that if you have psoriasis, you need to practically eliminate everything tasty. There is a fine line between “this will help me” and “this will make the situation even worse!” There are a lot of individual subtleties and diets. And the worst thing is that dieting is psychologically difficult. This is extra stress, which aggravates psoriasis.
Just limit the trigger foods a little - that's enough.

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How I got rid of psoriasis

Among a ton of information, I accidentally saw a review where one girl really praised Yenki Derm , a natural psoriasis cream that helped her go into remission forever. I thought it was just another advertisement because it was UNREAL. But curiosity took over and I began to look for what kind of remedy it was.

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I found many more reviews about this product. It turned out that this is the most popular non-hormonal cream for psoriasis in China.

It is made from natural ingredients that have been known since ancient times. It is the power of nature that helps relieve itching, reduce inflammation, remove dead skin and activate immune defenses that help stop psoriasis.

This remedy was recognized as one of the best solutions for fighting psoriasis, and I still didn’t know about it! Luckily, ordering the cream wasn't difficult. I did it directly on the official website and the courier delivered my order three days later.

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According to the manufacturers, Yenki Derm not only moisturizes and heals the skin, but promotes the rapid resorption of psoriatic plaques and protects against the appearance of scars in their place.

I was just having another exacerbation and my skin was on fire, and this cream calmed it down in a minute! It was shocking. All my life I have been afraid of wearing the wrong clothes, sitting in a chair, or going to bed because of blisters. And I really cried with happiness when the cream started to work so fast.

No more hiding from the world!

My skin is born without a barrier function and needs continuous protection. And this product replaced the entire lengthy ritual that I did every day to calm my skin.

I don’t know how scientists managed to achieve this, but I am very grateful to them. Now I look in the mirror and can’t believe how much my body has changed in a month.

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An ika .

I took two courses during the year and one of them was preventive. I was simply afraid that the disease would return, but it didn’t. I am in long-term remission and have become self-confident.

Now my life is completely different, and I remember the horrible times when I was embarrassed to go out. I have a boyfriend, he is just a dream: he is 2 meters tall, huge muscles, blue eyes that make me melt. Plus, he is smart and caring. We began to live together three months after we met, and three months and one week later we got married. I'm happier than ever because I'm expecting a baby. My husband says that he would love me even with all my sores, but I understand that without the effect of Yenki Derm I would not dare to go on a date again.

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An ika .

I no longer think about psoriasis. I'm sure the disease won't come back. And if this still happens for some reason, then I will use Yenki Derm . It’s good that you can order it from the online store. If anyone recognizes themselves in my story, I’ll post a link to the website where you can order it.

Alice Montgomery

Thanks a lot for the tip! I finally figured out what to do with psoriasis. Hopefully this solution will help me...

Nancy Robins

Thanks to this remedy, I got rid of psoriasis. Hopefully, forever. I understand that it can arise at any time due to many related circumstances. But in theory it should have started like 10 times already, but everything is fine so far. There is no trace left of my sores, as they say. And all this thanks to Yenki Derm . So I highly recommend this product to anyone who has this problem.

An ika .

I can’t believe that psoriasis can be cured so cheaply forever, even at home.

Ninelle Martins

These are all myths about expensive treatments. In most cases, you can cure almost any disease without leaving your home. If you have a desire.

Lora Wild

I have had skin problems since childhood. The treatment was long, expensive, painful and useless. Until one of the specialists advised me to try Yenki Derm . I started using it and the redness and irritation on my elbows and knees went away. I have no more exacerbations now, although at this time of year my symptoms usually were at their peak. I hope it won't happen any further.

An ika .

I agree. What matters is that Yenki Derm doesn’t just reduce symptoms, like all other ointments for psoriasis, it completely gets rid of them. The same thing happened to me, at first the itching just went away, I thought that was all. And a month later there was not a single spot!

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Neelima Brown

I have been suffering from psoriasis for a long time, I have undergone different types of treatment, even in Israel, the effect was short-lived. Because of my illness, I dropped out of college, stopped communicating with friends, I’m simply ashamed to go outside. I'll definitely try Yenki Derm . Maybe I’ll be lucky too and start a normal life.

Agatha Peral

Be sure to give it a try! The effect of Yenki Derm is instant - itching and peeling quickly disappeared. However, complete removal of all symptoms took a month and a half.


Everyone's body is different, it helps quickly for some people, it takes longer for others. The main thing is that the result is there. No pharmaceutical product will give such an effect.

Helen Murray

Agree. I tried everything I could myself, to no avail. At least it stopped itching.

Jessica Snowden

I've been suffering from this my whole life. The forms change (locations and nature of rashes). In my case this condition is weakly related to nutrition, just spicy foods. But if I’m stressed, voila, I have a severe exacerbation. Sedatives do not help in these cases, even very strong antidepressants. Antihistamines have no effect either. I have been looking for a product that would help for a long time and accidentally bought Yenki Derm . I thought it would just somehow help reduce the rashes, but they healed completely. Seriously, I'm shocked! I have never had clear and smooth skin. And the most interesting thing is that psoriasis has not returned for almost a year.

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Hope Williams

I can’t take it anymore... I tear my hands into blood, people run away from me, they think I’m contagious. I only go outside when the illness subsides. Nothing works for me. I’m so tired…

Brenda Hunt

Don’t give up! I had the same problem. Only Yenki Derm helped me. I didn’t even hope that it would help, I just wanted to somehow soothe the itching and make sure that pieces of my skin would stop falling off. But it turned out to be the most effective remedy I have ever tried. I forgot what it was like to burn with pain and be ashamed of my own body.

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Hanna Drew

I inherited psoriasis. I've been struggling with it for 20 years now. Sometimes there are improvements, it also depends on the time of year, but it never goes away completely. I'm trying not to pay attention to it, what else can I do?

Martha Wellington

My husband has had psoriasis for almost 30 years and has tried a lot of products during this time. Nothing worked. Recently, I ordered Yenki Derm on a friend’s advice. It's only been 3 weeks since he's been using it, but the results are simply amazing! Papules disappear literally before our eyes! I would recommend it to anyone who has a similar problem.

An ika .